“Sinking Teeth Into Stem Cell Banking” is an article, originally published in pan-Asian magazine “Millionaire Asia”, featuring an in-depth interview with Provia CEO Howard Greenman. Provia are the bio-banking project partner of Grace Century.
The article relates the back-story to how Provia started on it’s upward growth curve – which started in 2006 when Howard and some colleagues had the idea to store children’s baby teeth for for future use. At that stage the actual uses were undetermined, however Howard was intuitively aware of the massive potential that stem cells from baby teeth offered. Provia then moved through the stages of being a small start-up to a company with the potential to revolutionise the the field of individualised healthcare and become a game-changer in the field of personalised medicine, via the development of it’s “Store-A-Tooth” dental stem cell storage system.
The article also name-checks Grace Century and their members as vital contributors to the funding of Provia and its march towards commercial success.