On March 14th, the Implementation Team from Quantum’s electronic health records platform, PWeR, attended an event to discuss the benefits of telemedicine in healthcare hosted by The Palm Beach County Medical Society and the Florida Healthcare Law Firm.
The event was presented Karina Gonzalez (Attorney at Law – Florida Healthcare Law Firm) and Christine Hall (CPC, CPB, CPMA, CRC, COC-I – Acevedo Consulting) and covered the following topics:
• Who can perform Telehealth?
• Licensing, documentation and reimbursement
• What services can be performed?
• What are the differences between the originating site and the distant site?
• What are the CMS proposed expansions in telehealth reimbursement for 2018?
• Expected changes in FL for prescribing controlled substances form a telemedicine visit
This event provided a great opportunity for the team to discuss PWeR and the advancements that are continuously being made in healthcare technology.