Latest article from Quantum President Noel J Guillama – why does the U.S. spend so much on healthcare (part 2)?

Latest article from Quantum President Noel J Guillama – why does the U.S. spend so much on healthcare (part 2)?

The second part of Quantum President Noel J Guillama’s latest article has just been published, following Part 1’s publication two weeks ago. The article overall focuses on the huge amount spent on healthcare in the U.S., with the second part looking at the demographic targeting of new healthcare technology and how the “real” market – those aged 45 and older – often get overlooked in favour of millennials and even younger demographics groups, in terms of how technology is designed for the end user.

In particular, Noel cites an article written for by Christina Farr, entitled titled “Why Apple should hire your grandmother”. The article essentially highlights how current healthcare technology experiences limited usage from those is it ostensibly designed for, whereas the older demographics – even those aged 80 and above – are now familiar with using a range of technology and devices, and the smart approach would be to cater more for these groups given the much greater spend on healthcare from the older generations.

Read Part 2 of Noel’s article here.

If you didn’t get a chance to read it first time, Part 1 can be read here.