A new article has just appeared in Science Daily, reporting on a clinical trial which demonstrates that stem cells from baby teeth could be used to treat the damage caused to immature permanent teeth in children.
A “dead” tooth is one which grows with insufficient blood supply and root development as a result of an injury to the tooth when it is in its early development phase. This would typically happen to children when they fall or trip, and impact their teeth. Treatment of such injuries has been limited in its success up until now, however the results of a new clinical trial from the Fourth Military Medicine University in Xi’an, China, indicates that using stem cells extracted from the patient’s baby teeth can give patient back the sensation in their teeth and encourage normal health growth.
Such research is further encouraging news for Grace Century’s dental stem cell storage partner Provia and their product “Store-A-Tooth”, which safely stores dental stem cells from the baby teeth of children, for future potential use in treatment of many different ailments and conditions.
Grace Century President and Director of Research Scott Wolf commented “This study further expands the considerable body of research which indicates that stem cell therapy could be the treatment of the future for multiple illnesses and traumas”.