Bright future ahead for the healthcare sector in UAE

Bright future ahead for the healthcare sector in UAE

Since its formation in 1972, The United Arab Emirates has been one the fastest developing countries in the world, with Dubai in particular now a major global hub for multiple business sectors. Healthcare is just one of several sectors which has enjoyed strong growth in recent years, however the next ten years is likely to further transform the UAE Healthcare sector beyond recognition compared to today, according to a recent article in

The article suggests that the healthcare sector in the UAE will be worth over $28 billon by 2021 and is being driven my a number of factors – however technology is cited as the main factor and in particular digital technology and AI (artificial intelligence) applications that support medical record-keeping and patient diagnosis. Other factors referred to in the article include the increasing number of breakthrough therapies available in UAE hospitals (including stem cell therapies); the growth of medical tourism alongside the huge growth of the region as an overall tourism destination; increased government spending and investment in the healthcare sector; and a growing number medical education partnership programmes with gloablly-renouned education institutions, ensuring that the level of medical education incumbent in the region is world-class.

Grace Century, who launched in UAE back in 2010, have been supportive observers of the impressive growth of the UAE healthcare sector since the company’s inception. Grace Century President and Director of Research Scott Wolf commented, “UAE leads the way in both implementation and adoption of Stem cell therapies, as well as Artificial Intelligence. Congratulations to my adopted home.”

Read the full article on here.