Subscribing to Cloud Computing

Subscribing to Cloud Computing

A recent article on ZD Net takes a look at cloud computing / technology and how it the business models to generate revenue from related products have evolved over the years.

Our electronic medical records partner The Quantum Group Inc, have developed an innovative cloud- based system known PWeR, which a shortened version of Personal Wellness Record. Quantum currently employs a subscription model, which interestingly is how most the companies who use cloud technology in other industries – Amazon being a prime example – are structuring their business models.

Scott Wolf, President and Director of Research for Grace Century, commented “this is an interesting article on the subject of cloud technology, and from our perspective is it notable that Quantum have taken a commercial path which is similar to that of cutting-edge industry giants in other technology-based market sectors. The difference between the healthcare sector and other market sectors is that the use of cloud computing and related technology is very much behind in the healthcare sector, and Quantum are one of the very few companies in this sector who have embraced such technology at a best-practice level.”

Read the full article on ZD Net by clicking here.