Survey showed doctors are increasing their use of electronic medical records – really?

Survey showed doctors are increasing their use of electronic medical records – really?

According to Scott Wolf, CEO of Grace Century, ?My university statistician professor started the very first day of class by saying ‘100% of the people who ate pickles in 1742′ died. Therefore pickles cause death.’ That comment has stuck with me over the years on just how much statistics can be manipulated to anyone?s benefit.”

The report (linked below) indicates that 3,700 physicians were surveyed in eight countries in order to show that 91% of the doctors are using EMRs. “We know this is misleading,” said Wolf.

Physicians Are Increasing Their Use of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)

91% of physicians are active users of electronic medical recordsAugust 27, 2014

Our physician survey showed doctors are increasing their use of electronic medical records (EMRs).

View the full results here.