Telemedicine and mobile healthcare trends in greater demand

Telemedicine and mobile healthcare trends in greater demand

Trends such as telemedicine and mobility are quickly becoming not only accepted, but demanded by both providers and users in the healthcare sector,? says Scott Wolf, Director of Research and CEO of Grace Century.

According to Wolf and just as the article below articulates, Grace Century’s Quantum Group project has been incorporating the telemedicine capability from its inception to stay ahead of obvious wants and needs in the EMR (electronic medical record) healthcare space.

Mobility leads the way in Middle East healthcare

Telemedicine services based on mobile platforms are expected to becoming increasingly common

By Jyoti Lalchandani Special to Gulf News
Published: 17:06 August 20, 2014


With a recent IDC Health Insights survey of hospitals across the MEA identifying a strong correlation between IT infrastructure investment plans and a desire among hospitals to increase patient satisfaction, healthcare providers across the Middle East are increasingly switching their attention to the so-called third platform technologies of mobility, cloud, and big data and the benefits they can bring. So what does the future hold for eHealth in the Middle East?

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