Store-A-Tooth Featured on CBS58 News

Store-A-Tooth Featured on CBS58 News

storeatoothgirl-200x300Once again – Grace Century’s dental stem cell storage project partner – Provia Labs, and their branded product Store-A-Tooth – has been featured as a video news item on a US news network.

Milwaukee-based CBS58 ran a news item which focused on the potential for children’s teeth to be used a source of dental stem cells, which could provide valuable medical treatments for that child in the future via their potenial ability to transform into different types of cells and regenerate organs, providing hope to people suffering life-threatening conditions.

Dr. Peter Verlander, founder of Store-A-Tooth, is featured in the article and describes dental stem cell storage technology by saying “we think of it as having different tools in a tool kit.”

Watch the full video article on CBS58 by clicking here.