How IOT (Internet of Things), smart houses and healthcare work together.

How IOT (Internet of Things), smart houses and healthcare work together.

Many of you will have heard of the “Internet of Things”(IOT), however less are aware of what the likely IOT applications of the future are, or even what the IOT is.

A recent article in looks at how IOT will integrated into “Smart Homes” of the future and how functions like  lighting, heating, energy consumption, electronic devices, and security features will be optimized based on internet-driven learning stemming from the behaviour go the inhabitants – indeed, the article predicts that 35% of Americans will live in a smart home by 2021.

However, IOT applications in smart homes can also be put to use in healthcare, and this is exactly the space that Grace Century project partner Quantum is about to enter – with their upcoming IOT-based rollout of “Blue Box, which is an IOT company associated with our Quantum’s PWeR electronic medial records (EMR) project”.

Grace Century President and Director of Research Scott Wolf commented “The application of IOT technology in smart homes, and how it relates to your health, is the ball park we are playing in – for example, “Blue Box” technology will be able to identify that a smart home inhabited by a diabetics not had the refrigerator opened for 12 hours, and automatically signal to the inhabitant that this might be problem!”

Read the full article on Business Insider here