Good Housekeeping Magazine Publish Article on Storing Stem Cells from Baby Teeth

Good Housekeeping Magazine Publish Article on Storing Stem Cells from Baby Teeth

The exciting possibilities linked to parents storing their children’s baby teeth to harvest their dental stem cells, for future use in regenerative medicine which may help successfully treat that same child as a adult, is gathering even more interest and starting to feature in mainstream media.

Good Housekeeping magazine, a globally-distributed, highly-respected women’s magazine that has been published since the year 1885, recently published an article on this very subject on, highlighting how saving baby teeth can have positive health benefits for children in later life. This is a subject that Grace Century has been championing for years via our project partner, Provia Labs, who has developed a dental stem cell storage system – Store-A-Tooth – for exactly this purpose.

To quote the article “Baby teeth, like umbilical cords (though less controversial), contain stem cells that can cure diseases and grow replacement tissue and bones in the body. If collected and stored, they can potentially be used to treat diseases that arise when your child gets older or for close family members with serious illness. So it’s no wonder that parents are paying hundreds of dollars to extract, freeze, and cryporeserve these stem cells.”

Click here to read the article in full.